The whole thing is not new. Neither the line-up nor the methodology according to which the music on this record is organized.
The two have known each other for 40 years, then as now they just met and started playing, without prior arrangements, earlier out of ignorance, today out of the opposite: the results are amazingly similar.
Only: the recordings from the last 40 years, made privately with the tape recorder or later by other means, have never been published.
No one has ever come up with the idea.
To change that: now the latest, fresh on the turntable.
For lack of friends and out of enthusiasm for jazz, fourteen-year-old Michael Griener and fifteen-year-old Rudi Mahall met in Nuremberg in 1982 as autograph hunters at a concert and decided: We can do that too!
Griener’s father had a pub, above it was a brothel, and down in the basement storage room was the rehearsal room.
There the two of them bumbled around; the experts call this „free improvisation“.
This resulted in countless world-changing musical projects, all highly praised (self-praise stinks!).
Now the first and only the best: Griener & Mahall pure.
We have awarded ourselves the Jazz Prize.
Rudi Mahall & Michael Griener
Rudi Mahall – bass clarinet, clarinet, baritone saxophone
Michael Griener – drums, vibraphone
Astral Spirits AS204
Recorded on January 7, 2021 in Kötzlin, except for:
B1 December 21, 2020
B4 February 13, 2021 in Berlin
All music composed by Rudi Mahall & Michael Griener
Cover art by Katja Mahall
Mastered by Alex Huber
LP available in Europe at:
No Man’s Land
Gerhard Busse